Change Settings

From Written Chinese Reader's Main window, click File > Settings.
click the Change settings (wrench) icon on Main or Popup (LiveScan, HighlightScan
or ClipboardScan) windows

Personalize Written Chinese Reader to work the way you do:
- Main: Pop up and start up
- Show: Select only the details (Pinyin, tone numbers, defitions, ColorTones, etc.) you want to display
- Speech: Enhance your learning by hearing Chinese read aloud to you
- Auto-Translate: Highlight Chinese Text and let Written Chinese Reader show you the meaning
- Copy+ / Export: Enter/export Chinese text, pronunciations and
definitions into other programs. Now supports Anki!
- Popup: (Optional) Fine tune the way popup windows appear and respond
- Hotkeys: Quickly access popular functions with these keyboard accelerators
- Services: Add web services (e.g., images from into Written Chinese Reader
- Dictionaries: Show the meanings of words from your custom dictionaries--or
other language dictionaries
- History: Let Written Chinese Reader keep track of words and phrases you've seen recently
- Advanced: (Optional) Additional settings for Written Chinese Reader
Click OK to save your changes and close Settings.